Thursday, August 23, 2007

So this tapeworms thing is coming together pretty well- so well, in fact, that I decided to start a blog about it! We've got like 9 songs coming together, but only a couple are named. One, called Release the Hounds!, is pretty killer. They're some slower jams too- we almost finished one that's based off of a Mac riff- and I got my crazy tom riff to fit with the song! I think it's going to be really sweet.
Anyway, we're going to try and record some rough takes of what we already have w/ garage band and like a mic in the room. One day, I hope to go to Monkeyclaus and lay down a whole record in like 2 days. I don't even care if it's mixed well or what- I feel like people will get the idea as long as they can make everything out.
I also got a bunch of materials for making cd cases out of needlepoint mesh. I'll try and post the design sometime, but I think it's pretty awesome looking. It's so ridiculous- making cd cases before you even have all the songs written. Heh, looking ahead, right?

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